
Build an Enterprise Q&A Application on Internal Docs

In this session, we'll use OpenAI's LLM to build an enterprise Q&A application using enterprise data. Create embeddings of the document(s) that you want to query, run a semantic search to return information that can be provided as context/information along with the user's query as a prompt to the LLM to generate outputs.

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June 26, 2024 1:00 PM ET | 10:00 AM PT

Leverage LLMs in Domino to Build an Enterprise Q&A Application on Internal Docs

By the end of this customer tech hour, you will be able to:

  • Understand how to utilize LLMs like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0 in Domino with Domino's AI Gateway
  • Use AI Hub Project Templates to quick-start your development work in Domino
  • Build an Enterprise Q&A Application customized to your internal documentation

We recommend following along in your own Domino Application. We'll be working through the Build an Enterprise Q&A Application template found in our AI Hub. You can also leverage the template directly from github here.