Introducing Domino's Fall Release: Accelerate Enterprise AI with Domino

Domino's Fall 2023 release gives enterprises even more power tools to build all AI - Generative AI and traditional AI - more rapidly and responsibly.

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November 16, 2023 1:00 PM ET | 10:00 AM PT

Introducing Domino's Fall Release: Accelerate and future-proof ALL enterprise AI with Domino

Domino's Fall 23 Release gives enterprises even more power tools to build all AI - Generative AI and traditional AI – more rapidly and responsibly.

Join our next customer tech hour to see our Fall 23 release in action:

Speed up AI development

  • Jumpstart AI projects for faster impact with the AI Hub
  • Boost productivity with AI coding assistant for data scientists

Make data more accessible and governed

  • Supporting 14 new data sources including Databricks, SAP-HANA and more
  • Automatic data audit logging across all data sources