Domino office hours

Live demo and Q&A with Domino experts

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Questions about platform capabilities?

Join our next live session, where you will learn more about:

  • Accessing powerful compute and diverse data: Discover how Domino enables seamless access to powerful computing resources and diverse data sources, empowering you to tackle complex projects with ease.
  • Code reuse and team collaboration features: Learn about features that promote code reuse, streamline collaboration among team members, and enhance productivity.
  • Model packaging, deployment, and monitoring: Dive into Domino's capabilities for packaging, deploying, and monitoring models, ensuring smooth transitions between environments.

Plus, we'll open up the last 15 minutes for live questions.

Hosted by:

Dan Mennell
Sales Engineering Manager
Domino Data Lab

Custom demo for your data science team: Looking for something more customized and tailored to your needs? Request a custom demo today.