episode 59

Transforming Education with Generative AI and Active Learning

Data Science Leaders | 41:26 | November 09, 2023

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Most experts agree that AI isn’t about replacing human intelligence, but about improving it. When it comes to education, we should take this literally.

In this episode, we discuss how to use AI to transform how we learn with Stephen Kosslyn, President of Active Learning Sciences and Founder and Chief Academic Officer of Foundry College. Stephen brings unparalleled expertise when it comes to using AI in education from his remarkable career-spanning leadership roles at Harvard, Stanford, and Minerva University, but also thanks to his recent book “Active Learning with AI: A Practical Guide”.

Join us as we discuss:

  • How Generative AI can make learning more effective and scalable
  • How to design educational programs, create training experiences, and assess student understanding using Generative AI
  • Overcoming the challenges of embracing AI in the education sector

For more on the science of active learning and detailed, practical Generative AI examples, please check out Stephen’s new book, available now.

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