Life Sciences Edition


The enterprise AI event for data science and IT leaders

RevX Philadelphia was Thursday, May 30, 2024

Watch the sessions


  • 8:00 – 9:00a

    Check-in and breakfast

  • 9:00 – 9:05a

    Welcome by Domino

    Thomas Been CMO, Domino Data Lab

  • 9:05 – 9:35a

    Driving AI value at enterprise scale in 2024

    Nick Elprin CEO, Domino Data Lab

    Enterprises are ramping up AI across all areas. How do you meet high expectations without sacrificing budgets or responsible practices? Hear from Domino executives, industry experts, and thought leaders as they discuss the enterprise's path to AI success.

  • 9:35 – 10:05a

    Don't pick a use case based on business value alone: A framework for avoiding POC purgatory

    Sol Rashidi Data & AI Strategic Advisor

  • 10:05 – 10:25a

    Accelerating R&D innovation with generative AI

    Zheng Yang Worldwide Head AI/ML Strategy & Solutions for Healthcare and Life Sciences, AWS

    Life sciences organizations are embracing generative AI to boost innovation and productivity, leveraging proprietary data as a true differentiator. In this fireside chat, industry experts from Domino and AWS will discuss end-to-end data strategy as a foundation to unlock the full potential of ML and GenAI, explore relevant use cases for immediate impact, and discuss guidelines for building ML and GenAI applications responsibly.

  • 10:25 – 10:55a

    Aligning your culture & workforce to create an AI-driven approach to drug discovery

    Dave Johnson Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Thought Leader

    Discover how to align your workforce, culture, strategy, and scientific processes to adopt and embrace AI-based drug discovery.

    Learn how to prioritize use cases that deliver early wins, educate your workforce through an AI Academy that turns naysayers into AI champions, and tap change management best practices to create business value and unprecedented operational efficiencies in drug discovery.

  • 11:15 – 12:00p

    Transforming clinical reporting with a modern statistical computing environment

    Eileen Ching Senior Director, Biostatistics Technical Capability Delivery, GSK

    Saurin Mehta Senior Director of Technology, GSK

    The pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry has experienced significant technological advancements and a paradigm shift fueled by the explosion of data in recent years, revolutionizing drug discovery, development, and delivery.

    (click '+' at right for more)

    Accelerating innovation: AI and data best practices for life sciences

    Richard Swakla Data-Centric Workloads Specialist, AI/ML/Modern Data Lakes, NetApp

    Data expert Richard Swalka from NetApp and Domino’s Yuval Zukerman will offer a deep dive into the role of data management for AI in the life sciences and pharmaceutical industries. Richard will share insights on drug discovery acceleration through enhanced data pipelines, robust security, and AI investment optimization.

    We will explore the many AI use cases driving advancements in drug discovery and development, and share best practices for effective data management in today's competitive landscape. Finally, we will touch on the impact and challenges GenAI brings to life science companies as they transition from pilot projects to full-scale production solutions.

  • 12:00 – 1:00p

    Networking lunch

    During lunch: “Your AI Survival Guide” book signing (12:15 – 12:45p)

    Sol Rashidi Data & AI Strategic Advisor

  • 1:00 – 1:45p

    The secret sauce of AI value

    Jeev Kiriella Director, Commercial Data Science – Head of AI/ML Products, Merck

    Unlock the secrets to deploying cost-effective AI solutions that boost value without breaking the bank or compromising on quality and security.

    CDAOs and CIOs can gain perspective on how to properly scope and prioritize AI and GenAI projects, assign the best KPIs, and align people, processes, and technologies to unlock more business value from AI programs.

    (click '+' at right for more)

    Building a qualified AWS environment for validated life science applications

    Keith Parent CEO, Court Square Group

    All data submitted to the FDA must be managed in a validated environment in accordance with 21 CFR Part 11. Moving from On-Premise (OnPrem) to AWS cloud hosting can improve access and security.

    However, life science companies still need to ensure that data in AWS is FDA audit-ready. Domino Cloud for Life Science (DCLS) includes the necessary end-to-end process, procedures, and change controls that are in place and continuously monitored to provide a robust yet regulatorily compliant environment.

    (click '+' at right for more)
  • 2:00 – 2:45p

    AstraZeneca’s FAIRR framework for transforming & modernizing drug discovery

    Ronen Artzi Technology Innovation Lead, AstraZeneca

    Matt Tendler Head of Life Sciences Product Management, Domino

    AstraZeneca’s mission is to leverage R&D and AI insights to improve healthcare and positively impact the lives of millions of people.

    Since drug R&D is an increasingly data-driven process, making data analytics and scientific research FAIRR – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable, and Reproducible – is critical to improving the value of data and research through greater reusability, standardization, and reproducibility.

    (click '+' at right for more)

    Innovating data science pipelines through collaboration

    Michael Harnish President, KSM Technology Partners

    Albert Park Senior Director, Bioinformatics Engineering, Moderna

    Discover the power of collaborating on Domino to integrate new open-source technologies and improve the efficiency of life science workflows.

    Moderna and KSM will share how their successful collaboration on Domino's open and extensible platform helped optimize pipeline development processes and computational resource utilization while lowering costs.

    (click '+' at right for more)
  • 3:00 – 3:30p

    It’s the end of the world as we know It (and AI feel fine)

    Kjell Carlsson, Ph.D. Head of AI Strategy, Domino

    Roughly 100 years ago, the Wall Street crash led to the Great Depression and ultimately World War II. Today the conditions for economic catastrophe and geopolitical strife are far more obvious than they were then. Every major asset class is overvalued and debt to GDP ratios are at their highest levels during peacetime. Politicians across the spectrum are pursuing policies that increase protectionism and hurt the global economy.

    In this environment, how do we survive, thrive and maybe even prevent mass economic stagnation? AI (including ML) isn’t our best friend, it is our only friend. Only by accelerating innovation and adoption of AI can we unlock new sources of economic growth, build organizational resilience, and increase agility to changing economic conditions. Through AI we can develop the next generation of products and services, and augment our limited human intelligence that got us into this mess in the first place. We can tackle the biggest challenges humanity faces with AI – health, climate change, conflict. We just need to build our capabilities for innovating with AI, governing it and operationalizing it at scale.

  • 3:30 – 3:45p

    Wrap up

    Thomas Been CMO, Domino Data Lab

  • 3:45 – 5:00p

    Networking reception

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