Building future-proof in-house AI systems: An illustration with intelligent document processing

Sébastien Conort, Chief Data Scientist, BNP Paribas CARDIF

RevX London, June 13, 2024


With the rapid advancement of GenAI, AI leaders are facing an unprecedented pace of innovation in AI technologies. New, open source AI and GenAI models are emerging at an astonishing rate, with some released every few weeks. In this fast-paced environment, where entire approaches can shift quickly, it's crucial for in-house AI systems to be designed with flexibility and foresight to capitalize on opportunities while minimizing the need for costly system overhauls.

This talk will delve into key principles that AI leaders can apply to ensure their in-house projects are designed with future-proofing in mind. BNP Paribas Cardif's Chief Data Scientist will share their expertise on designing and maintaining a successful in-house Intelligent Document Processing system over several years. This discussion offers valuable insights, featuring the major evolutions of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing technologies over the years, including GenAI.