Dresner's Wisdom of Crowds: Domino is an AI and ModelOps leader, again

Thomas Been2024-09-05 | 5 min read

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A unique type of industry analyst firm

Dresner Advisory Services holds a special place in the growing list of industry analysts and firms covering AI, data science, and machine learning. Their Wisdom of Crowds reports uniquely combine the input from real-life decision-makers and practitioners with fact-based analysis from the Dresner team. The outcome is a fascinating perspective on the AI market today, in a format their audience likes: data and analysis. At times of intense change in the AI market, Dresner’s Wisdom of Crowds AI, DS, and ML report, and the one about ModelOps, are critical reading for anyone needing to refine their AI strategy and make operation or technology choices.

Beyond the hype, how enterprises are adopting AI

Across both reports, the Dresner team shows the AI momentum across the enterprise. Across verticals, the interest in AI is increasing. Interestingly, the interest in AI is the highest in the “future-looking” parts of enterprises involved in strategy and innovation, such as Research and Development and Executive Management. The ongoing democratization of AI is apparent, with teams such as IT and marketing closely following it. Both reports also highlight how AI teams are evolving. More AI teams are created, and these teams are increasingly diverse. Beyond data science and IT, more analysts and business representatives are getting involved. This mobilization and growing investments happen because the impact of AI is proven, with a majority of enterprises self-described as successful, ranking AI as critical to their success. The best news is that there’s significantly more value to unlock, with a vast array of AI use cases but still few deployments for each.

What’s holding enterprises back

The path to unlocking the total value and transforming one’s business with AI is not without challenges. Both reports complement each other to highlight real challenges that every AI leader and practitioner must know. The most glaring symptom of these challenges is that despite all of the investments and recent technological innovations, the volume of AI deployments is stagnating. The ModelOps report provides a stark reminder that more than half of enterprises do not know how many models they have in production. Another challenge is the inability to update models at the pace of the business. The data shows that primarily large enterprises have the firepower to deploy and control AI. Yet the enterprises that self-describe as most successful are the ones that have mastered their deployment. And their message is clear.

We’ve not reached peak AI yet

One of the most striking statements of the report is that we’ve not reached peak AI yet, despite the ebb and flow of the hype around technologies like Generative AI. Both reports are especially useful in describing what it takes to be successful with AI today and tomorrow through the perspective of surveyed enterprises. The reports cover these domains with ample details for AI leaders and practitioners to tailor their strategies and decisions, yet here’s a summary.

  • Onboarding and mastering the right mix of technologies across teams is critical. Generative AI is a perfect example, as it’s of interest and adopted by other functions and for use cases different from predictive AI or advanced analytics. Enterprises must also keep their strategy open, as indicated by the steady progression of open-source technologies. Enterprises need the ability to offer their teams the flexibility to use the right tool for their use cases.
  • Operating and governing models is just as important. Across reports, enterprises highlight the need to manage and govern models, especially with versioning and monitoring for easy and rapid iterations, maximizing value and mitigating risks. The growing number of AI regulations that come on top of industry-specific ones require enterprises to future-proof their AI approach by matching the flexibility mentioned above with the control their business requires.

To be named a leader again for a second time in the Wisdom of Crowds AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning report, as well as the ModelOps reports, is a significant achievement, given that these reports are rooted in real-life strategy, challenges, and opportunities.

At Domino, we share with enterprises the belief that we’ve not reached peak AI yet. Beyond the analysts’ opinion, these reports grant you unique access to what data science, analytics, IT practitioners are living and how they are winning. It’s critical reading for anyone involved in setting up AI strategies or driving the execution of AI initiatives. For those people, we’re sharing complementary versions of both reports. Equipped with the wisdom of crowds, you can also carve your path to peak AI, and beyond, unlocking the full potential of AI in your business.

Thomas is a seasoned marketing executive with global experience building and managing marketing teams that establish brand awareness/market leadership and contribute to revenue. He has held technical and sales roles, though marketing has taught him the importance of alignment across functions. For Thomas, marketing affords him the opportunity to learn and leverage two primary interests: the transformative power of technology, as well as customer experience and interactions. He is a US resident with a French passport and a global perspective that drives his work to impact organizations, build effective marketing teams, and continue learning.