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Domino named leader in new Dresner ModelOps report

Download Dresner Advisory Services 2024 ModelOps Market Study

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Did you know that, according to Dresner Advisory Services (DAS), the number of AI deployments remains flat despite the increased investments and growing number of teams adopting AI?

That’s because enterprises lack visibility on their model lifecycles and lack confidence in their ability to comply with internal policies or local/industry regulations. In this Wisdom of Crowds report, DAS surveyed industry leaders to identify the challenges you’ll have to address and how leading organizations are taking AI to production and AI value to the next level with ModelOps. In the Dresner Advisory Services’ 2024 Wisdom of Crowds ModelOps Market Report, you will find:

  • The ModelOps features you should look for in an AI and analytics platform.
  • Why effective model management and governance is critical to your AI success.
  • See what your peers are doing by surveying industry-based model lifecycle management patterns.

Download the report now to see how you can leverage ModelOps to unlock the full value of AI in your organization while mitigating the risks!