Subject archive for "model-development," page 4

Data Science

Model Interpretability with TCAV (Testing with Concept Activation Vectors)

This Domino Data Science Field Note provides very distilled insights and excerpts from Been Kim’s recent MLConf 2018 talk and research about Testing with Concept Activation Vectors (TCAV), an interpretability method that allows researchers to understand and quantitatively measure the high-level concepts their neural network models are using for prediction, “even if the concept was not part of the training". If interested in additional insights not provided in this blog post, please refer to the MLConf 2018 video, the ICML 2018 video, and the paper.

By Domino6 min read

Data Science

Data Science vs Engineering: Tension Points

This blog post provides highlights and a full written transcript from the panel, “Data Science Versus Engineering: Does It Really Have To Be This Way?” with Amy Heineike, Paco Nathan, and Pete Warden at Domino HQ. Topics discussed include the current state of collaboration around building and deploying models, tension points that potentially arise, as well as practical advice on how to address these tension points.

By Ann Spencer99 min read

Data Science

Data Science vs Engineering: Tension Points

This blog post provides highlights and a full written transcript from the panel, “Data Science Versus Engineering: Does It Really Have To Be This Way?” with Amy Heineike, Paco Nathan, and Pete Warden at Domino HQ. Topics discussed include the current state of collaboration around building and deploying models, tension points that potentially arise, as well as practical advice on how to address these tension points.

By Ann Spencer99 min read

Data Science

Justified Algorithmic Forgiveness?

Last week, Paco Nathan referenced Julia Angwin’s recent Strata keynote that covered algorithmic bias. This Domino Data Science Field Note dives a bit deeper into some of the publicly available research regarding algorithmic accountability and forgiveness, specifically around a proprietary black box model used to predict the risk of recidivism, or whether someone will “relapse into criminal behavior”.

By Domino14 min read

Data Science

Trust in LIME: Yes, No, Maybe So? 

In this Domino Data Science Field Note, we briefly discuss an algorithm and framework for generating explanations, LIME (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations), that may help data scientists, machine learning researchers, and engineers decide whether to trust the predictions of any classifier in any model, including seemingly “black box” models.

By Ann Spencer7 min read

Data Science

Item Response Theory in R for Survey Analysis

In this guest blog post, Derrick Higgins covers item response theory (IRT) and how data scientists can apply it within a project. As a complement to the guest blog post, there is also a demo within Domino.

By Derrick Higgins9 min read

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