Subject archive for "model-development"

Data Science Teams

Boost Productivity with Generative Code Assistants

With our Fall 2023 release, a significant productivity boost is added to Domino by integrating Jupyter AI into Domino Workspaces.

By Yuval Zukerman6 min read

Machine Learning

Machine learning model training: What it is and why it’s important

Training a machine learning (ML) model is a process in which a machine learning algorithm is fed with training data from which it can learn. ML models can be trained to benefit businesses in numerous ways, by quickly processing huge volumes of data, identifying patterns, finding anomalies or testing correlations that would be difficult for a human to do unaided.

By David Weedmark8 min read

Data Science

Fitting gaussian process models in Python

A common applied statistics task involves building regression models to characterize non-linear relationships between variables. It is possible to fit such models by assuming a particular non-linear functional form, such as a sinusoidal, exponential, or polynomial function, to describe one variable's response to the variation in another. Unless this relationship is obvious from the outset, however, it involves possibly extensive model selection procedures to ensure the most appropriate model is retained. Alternatively, a non-parametric approach can be adopted by defining a set of knots across the variable space and use a spline or kernel regression to describe arbitrary non-linear relationships. However, knot layout procedures are somewhat ad hoc and can also involve variable selection. A third alternative is to adopt a Bayesian non-parametric strategy, and directly model the unknown underlying function. For this, we can employ Gaussian process models.

By Chris Fonnesbeck27 min read

Machine Learning

A Guide to Machine Learning Model

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses algorithms to learn from trends, data sets and certain behaviors. This process involves the development of machine learning models that can answer questions, predict future outcomes and solve organizational problems.

By David Weedmark11 min read

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