Engineering at Domino

Build something great with us

Join the Domino Engineering Team

Come help build the platform to solve the world's most important challenges.

We're looking for sharp, scrappy people who crave a high degree of ownership, are laser-focused on personal growth, and can stick the landing between high standards and low ego.

From developing breakthrough drugs to increasing crop yields to making transportation more efficient, our impact ripples across millions of lives. Join us and discover all the white space and opportunity you need to thrive.

Find your role

At Domino, we believe in:


Owning our destiny

We make a ton of decisions every day. We may be fixing a bug and then we see an area of the code that needs refactoring. Can we fix that bug and still improve the code? Our call. We are defining a new feature and we realize we can make it more generic. We check in with our colleagues, it will cost about the same... we do it!

Whether writing code, documenting, testing, product managing or any other activity involved in building our software, we make a ton of decisions every day. At Domino, we are responsible for what we commit to doing, and have a chance to make things better. We own our destiny.


Leveraging new technology

We are technologists at heart. As we define and build our software, we continuously ask if we can leverage an existing framework or library. We watch what’s going on in the open source community, we integrate and enhance, and we contribute back if it makes sense.

We also research and license commercial offerings that can satisfy our requirements better or faster. We are pragmatic, yet we love being on the edge.

Balancing tech debt and customer value

Every company that is growing fast has that challenge: how do we balance the investment in quality and stability while building new features that deliver customer value?

At Domino, we schedule work in hot areas to refactor and pay back technical debt just like we do for new features. We believe we can do anything, and we are realistic we cannot do everything.


Releasing early and often

Part of our culture at Domino is to “iterate towards excellence”. We want to continuously improve our customer experience, and we know that the best way to achieve that is to get what we design and then build in front of them quickly. In product and engineering, we sprint every two weeks and we release often and early.

Doing it as a team

What makes Domino special for us is that we strive to build an environment where people want to come to work every day. Yes, we have the classic perks, but what makes the most difference, we believe, is that we care for and help each other, genuinely.

One day the tech support team is under stress due to illness of team members, and then customer success engineers chime in to help answer tickets and keep customers happy. The other day we are shipping a release and everyone is bug bashing it to make sure we deliver software that is just awesome. Whether it is an individual that needs help to get unstuck, or a whole team that could use some help - we come through and support each other - as a true team.

Tools We Use


Get to know our Engineering Teams

The Engineering teams at Domino are filled with talented, self-starters who are passionate about solving the world’s most important challenges. Interested in joining the team? Meet some of the team members from various teams who have answered some of the top questions we receive from candidates.

"They’re genuinely interested in unpacking problems and exploring new ideas. And as they bring in new people, they’re thinking about how each of us can contribute to that conversation."