episode 77

Trust and faster AI time to value in manufacturing at IFF

Data Science Leaders | 42:07 | July 25, 2024

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How do you deliver impact with AI and ML and cut development time by weeks and even months? By understanding your customer, building trust, and managing risk.

Done well, effective and responsible AI practices can be the secret to faster implementation, adoption, and performance at lower cost and risk.

In this episode with Dr. Alex Manasson, Data Science Leader for the Americas at International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF), we uncover their best practices for managing risk and driving rapid AI development and adoption in the safety-focused world of manufacturing. Dr. Manasson shares insights on balancing statistical process control with predictive modeling, the importance of adapting your data collection processes, and the pros and cons of digital twins. Discover practical tips and strategies for implementing AI and ML tools to boost efficiency and foster trust in high-stakes environments.

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