episode 76

How to make responsible AI happen: A historical view

Data Science Leaders | 28:23 | July 06, 2024

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How do you deliver value with responsible AI, who is responsible for it, how do you put it into practice, and could we use AI to make our organizations more ethical?

This episode comes to you from the RevX conference in London, where we asked these questions of Chris Wiggins, Chief Data Scientist at the New York Times. He is also Professor of Applied Mathematics at Columbia University and author of the books “How Data Happened: A History from the Age of Reason to the Age of Algorithms” and “Data Science in Context”.

Join us as we discuss:

  • What we can learn from the history of research ethics and data legislation
  • The need for clear principles and defined ownership to ensure ethical AI
  • The translation of ethical principles into checklists, standards, and product decisions
  • The importance of benchmarking AI against human performance and addressing how human biases in data lead to biased AI outcomes

To see all of the sessions at the RevX conferences go to domino.ai/revx.

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