On-demand webinar

Get the most out of generative AI

Examine current trends and learn where leaders should look as they scale.

Learn how leaders are leveraging the growing array of generative AI capabilities today.

Hear from Rowan Curran, Forrester's Principal AI Analyst, and Kjell Carlsson, Domino's AI Strategist and Evangelist as they discuss the realities of generative AI, how the future of this technology will likely be implemented, and how businesses can capitalize on it.

Backed by a wealth of industry research and inside knowledge, Rowan and Kjell separate fact from hype.

Watch on-demand to:

  • Take a closer look at applications you can start using today
  • Identify common obstacles and strategic aspects of effectively leveraging generative AI
  • Examine the future of AI and its impact on the workforce and the workplace

Featured Speakers

Kjell Carlsson, Ph.D.

Head of Data Science Strategy & Evangelism, Domino Data Lab

Dr. Carlsson advises organizations on data science-driven transformation at Domino Data Lab. Previously, he was a Principal Analyst at Forrester covering data science, ML, and AI. He has spoken in countless keynotes and panels and is frequently quoted in the media. Carlsson received his Ph.D. from the Harvard Business School.

Rowan Curran

Analyst, Forrester

Rowan’s research focuses on AI, ML, and data science, looking at challenges and opportunities for technology executives and their teams. In his primary coverage area, he spearheads Forrester’s research on generative AI technologies, tools, and strategy. He also covers enterprise AI/ML platforms, cognitive search, and synthetic data.