Domino for preclinical research

Accelerate research and innovation

Driving R&D breakthroughs

Advanced algorithmic techniques will unlock and accelerate the discovery of next-generation medical research, drug development, and patient care. These innovations will require massive computational power, structure-controlled clinical trial processes, and tight collaboration to build on previous work. Is your R&D infrastructure up to the task?

The Domino Enterprise MLOps platform combines on-demand access to powerful infrastructure and modern data science tools and techniques, with unique collaboration and governance capabilities, to unlock life-changing medical breakthroughs.

Some of the world’s largest healthcare and life science companies use Domino to:

  • Process massive volumes of data to identify symptoms in patients that can lead to chronic and infectious diseases.
  • Determine the root cause of a disease so the right patients can get the right treatment, at the right time.
  • Use deep learning and other advanced AI and ML techniques to predict patient response to therapy.
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Fully managed workflow orchestration

Complex pipeline orchestration for R&D, made simple

Domino Flows takes data and AI/ML workflow orchestration for life sciences to the next level. Leverage the broadest set of tools, languages, and infrastructures, with all the necessary controls and governance to stay compliant.

  • Flexibility to share and reuse any flow to enhance collaboration.
  • Efficiently orchestrate thousands of resources and tasks quickly and reliably
  • Enhanced compliance with accurate, traceable, and reproducible records of data analysis and reporting
  • Visualize, monitor, and troubleshoot flow executions

Reproducible & Collaborative Research

Reproduce, review, and refine to drive breakthrough research

Domino automatically logs all aspects of research so results are always fully reproducible. Find and build on past work, and freely collaborate to test new ideas while maintaining best practices for governance.


  • Manage access to sensitive patient data to comply with company requirements and federal regulations.
  • Collaborate and iterate on results seamlessly with internal peers and external researchers.
  • Track projects (and progress) across the growing team more efficiently.
  • Retain institutional knowledge when key people leave so new data scientists can onboard quickly.
  • Establish research best practices with increased model velocity

Reproducible & Collaborative Research

Establish research best practices with increased model velocity

Develop, deploy, monitor, and manage models from a single platform. Models get into production faster with the consistent deployment of best practices to rapidly respond to business needs and increase impact.


  • Access data from within Domino or from external data sources without complex DevOps work or IT involvement.
  • Share data between projects without compromising control or making copies.
  • Get research into production faster with consistent model deployment best practices.
  • Monitor models for data drift, quality, and other critical health statistics.
  • Iterate quickly (and often) to maintain high-performing production models.

Open & Flexible Tools

Use preferred tools to maximize productivity

Domino supports a wide variety of open-source and commercial tools and languages, including Python, R, and SAS. As technology changes, easily add new tools to future-proof your research platform.


  • Get self-service access to the latest tools and other open-source technologies with pre-configured environments.
  • Easily incorporate powerful deep learning techniques and advanced biostatistical packages such as Bioconductor for biostatistics.
  • Minimize the day-to-day provisioning and support requirements for IT teams.
  • Automate the delivery of statistical results by connecting to other Domino projects and a wide variety of data sources.

Scalable Data Processing and Compute Power

Get massive computational power whenever you need it

Domino provides self-service access to powerful and highly scalable infrastructure for the most computationally-intense R&D work. Add multi-node computing and GPUs with just a few clicks.


  • Work with massive volumes of structured and unstructured data, including histopathology images, with ease.
  • Eliminate time-consuming DevOps chores to launch GPU-accelerated research environments for deep learning and other intensive workloads.
  • Choose from the most popular distributed frameworks, including Spark, Ray, and Dask, to enable highly elastic computational power on-demand.

See why Domino is the central platform powering research for many of the world's leading health and life sciences organizations