Subject archive for "reproducibility"

Generative AI

Controlling the chaos of generative AI

Weaving Generative AI into your company’s core processes has the power to transform your business. There’s just one catch, and it’s a big one – it’s still a risky endeavor, so tread lightly.

By Leila Nouri6 min read

Responsible AI

Navigating the EU AI Act: Strategies for compliance and business growth

For multinational enterprises, compliance with the AI Act is not just a legal requirement, but also an opportunity to drive business transformation by fostering safer, governed, and more responsible AI.

By Leila Nouri5 min read


Domino changes the game for AI and machine learning flows

Domino Flows unlocks the power of AI and machine learning flows, transforming them into a critical element of your responsible AI strategy.

By Tim Law7 min read


Introducing Domino Flows: AI orchestration for life sciences made simple

AI orchestration has become a game-changer in life sciences, enabling the integration and automation of complex data and analytical tasks.

By Brian Vogl7 min read


Why AI reproducibility is the holy grail of good governance

True reproducibility means anyone can return to a point in time — anywhere in the AI/ML lifecycle — and see how a model was built and understand its purpose and KPIs. Yet, most AI models are built outside of controlled environments and systems of record. Enterprise AI platforms like Domino solve this by automatically unifying and capturing all model provenance and all artifacts across teams, users, tools, and environments without manual detective work, which can produce mixed results.

By Leila Nouri7 min read

Comma separated values containing integers

The Case for Reproducible Data Science

Reproducibility is a cornerstone of the scientific method and ensures that tests and experiments can be reproduced by different teams using the same method. In the context of data science, reproducibility means that everything needed to recreate the model and its results such as data, tools, libraries, frameworks, programming languages and operating systems, have been captured, so with little effort the identical results are produced regardless of how much time has passed since the original project.

By Sundeep Teki8 min read

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