Subject archive for "models-featured"

Machine Learning

Deep reinforcement learning

This article provides an excerpt "Deep Reinforcement Learning" from the book, Deep Learning Illustrated by Krohn, Beyleveld, and Bassens. The article includes an overview of reinforcement learning theory with focus on the deep Q-learning. It also covers using Keras to construct a deep Q-learning network that learns within a simulated video game environment. Many thanks to Addison-Wesley Professional for the permission to excerpt the chapter.

By John Joo58 min read


Seeking Reproducibility within Social Science: Search and Discovery

Julia Lane, NYU Professor, Economist and cofounder of the Coleridge Initiative, presented “Where’s the Data: A New Approach to Social Science Search & Discovery” at Rev. Lane described the approach that the Coleridge Initiative is taking to address the science reproducibility challenge. The approach is to provide remote access for government analysts and researchers to confidential data in a secure data facility and to build analytical capacity and collaborations through an Applied Data Analytics training program. This article provides a distilled summary and a written transcript of Lane’s talk at Rev. Many thanks to Julia Lane for providing feedback on this post prior to publication.

By Ann Spencer25 min read

Data Science

Machine Learning Product Management: Lessons Learned

This Domino Data Science Field Note covers Pete Skomoroch’s recent Strata London talk. It focuses on his ML product management insights and lessons learned. If you are interested in hearing more practical insights on ML or AI product management, then consider attending Pete’s upcoming session at Rev.

By Ann Spencer8 min read

Data Science

Addressing Irreproducibility in the Wild

This Domino Data Science Field Note provides highlights and excerpted slides from Chloe Mawer’s "The Ingredients of a Reproducible Machine Learning Model" talk at a recent WiMLDS meetup. Mawer is a Principal Data Scientist at Lineage Logistics as well as an Adjunct Lecturer at Northwestern University. Special thanks to Mawer for the permission to excerpt the slides in this Domino Data Science Field Note. The full deck is available here.

By Ann Spencer7 min read

Data Science

Model Interpretability with TCAV (Testing with Concept Activation Vectors)

This Domino Data Science Field Note provides very distilled insights and excerpts from Been Kim’s recent MLConf 2018 talk and research about Testing with Concept Activation Vectors (TCAV), an interpretability method that allows researchers to understand and quantitatively measure the high-level concepts their neural network models are using for prediction, “even if the concept was not part of the training". If interested in additional insights not provided in this blog post, please refer to the MLConf 2018 video, the ICML 2018 video, and the paper.

By Domino6 min read

Data Science

Trust in LIME: Yes, No, Maybe So? 

In this Domino Data Science Field Note, we briefly discuss an algorithm and framework for generating explanations, LIME (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations), that may help data scientists, machine learning researchers, and engineers decide whether to trust the predictions of any classifier in any model, including seemingly “black box” models.

By Ann Spencer7 min read

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