Subject archive for "generative-ai"

A data science leader works with a younger colleague
Data Science

Legacy code to open source: Generative AI to the rescue

You knew open source with Python or R is where you needed to be. But transitioning your models' code was too risky and time-consuming. Yet now, Generative AI (GenAI) offers help automating this transition. It will save you time and, most importantly, a lot of money. It will even help retention and team morale. Let's explore how!

By Yuval Zukerman5 min read

Data Science Leaders

4 reasons why you need to be at RevX

The best hands-on learning experience for data science and IT leaders is a one-day free event called RevX. Reaching multiple cities, RevX will be headed your way, so you can discuss top-of-mind, vertical-specific topics related to AI and GenAI, and walk away with new, and thought-provoking strategies for implementation.

By Domino6 min read

Lowering GenAI infrastructure compute spending with FinOps strategy
Cost-Effective Data Science

5 steps to lower generative AI (GenAI) costs and maximize impact

Despite its costs, GenAI also has the potential to transform internal processes, employee productivity, and operational efficiencies like no other technology. Learn how prioritizing projects, optimizing infrastructure, and employing FinOps software can save time and money.

By Leila Nouri13 min read

Generative AI

NVIDIA GTC 2024: We have the power, now we must tame it to build our AI-driven future

If there is one word to sum up this year’s NVIDIA GTC conference, it is “Power.” It's up to us to figure out how to use it.

By Kjell Carlsson2 min read

Two travelers using a tablet to help them with their trip while on a beach
Data Science Leaders

TripAdvisor's GenAI journey from billions of reviews to a virtual travel agent

See how TripAdvisor leverages GenAI to transform billions of reviews into a virtual travel agent tool.

By Yuval Zukerman5 min read

Vector databases
Generative AI

Domino accelerates GenAI with vector database access and RAG

Learn about Domino's new vector database access for enabling retrieval augmented generation (RAG) to ensure GenAI applications are reliable, accurate, and up-to-date.

By John Alexander6 min read

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